Would you consider being a school counselor? What might be some positive or negative aspects to the – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net


Would you consider being a school counselor? What might be some positive or negative aspects to the – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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1. Would you consider being a school counselor? What might be some positive or negative aspects to the job?

1 page answer.

I do now want to be school counselor. I do not see myself working with children. I want t focus on adult population eather working in psychiatric hospital with psychosis, schizophrenia and bipolar or my second option is doing my own therapy or lastly I am thinking to be work for Amy with PTSD and trauma, Trauma are extremely interesting. But never with children. —> So you can write to answer based on that and add more benefits and some negative like the question is asking.

2. 1 page answer.

How do you feel about maintaining the confidentiality a child who you are counseling? Are there times when you feel a parent should know something a child has told you? Are there issues you think you would discuss with a parent based on something a child has told you? If so, how might you best preserve the relationship you have with the child?

+ answer to that classmates. (1 paragraph)

Yes, I would consider being a school counselor. I think some positive aspects of the job would be that there would be a lot of variation in the job, it does not seem like the type of job where you would be doing the same thing day in and day out. I think that a school counselor would have a good work/life balance working in an elementary, middle or high school as a result of typical school schedules and breaks over holidays and summers. I believe that education is very important and helping students achieve their academic goals and being able to see their progress would be a very positive aspect of the job. I like that the job doesn’t focus on one strict area of counseling and that I would be able to help students both academically and personally.

Some negative aspects of the job could be that it may be difficult for teachers and administration to understand what your role is and having to constantly explain the scope of your job and what it does and does not entail. It can be difficult because the role of the school counselor has been changing and evolving over the years so to have to explain this to faculty and staff may possibly become redundant. It may be difficult to manage students when you are responsible for such a large group in some cases over 400 students. However, it is highly unlikely that each student will come to you every day needing your assistance. Additionally, time management could be an issue with such a wide variety of duties that a school counselor performs.

+ answer to that classmates. (1 paragraph)

When entering into a counseling relationship with a child, I would be upfront with the child that because they are a minor, there are certain things that may be shared with their parents if the parents request this information. It is very important that we go over the legalities in the first session and include what information may be shared such as situations of abuse or harm to oneself or others in which confidentiality can be breached. According to Neukrug (2016), what is discussed in counseling can be shared with parents if requested. I would let the child know this, but make sure the child understands that my goal is to help him/her with issues that he/she is facing, not to be a snitch to their parents.

I think it would depend upon the situation if I think parents should be involved. If the child confided in me about pregnancy or drug use for example, I wouldn’t want to break the trust I’ve built with the child, but at the same time, I feel this is something the parents may need to be informed of. I would tell the child that if it is most comfortable for him/her we can discuss the issue in counseling together with the parents to try to prevent the situation from getting out of control in case the parents get angry. I would still proceed with caution if the child was afraid to tell his/her parents and try not to rush the child into disclosing the information to his/her parents, but also not go behind his/her back and tell on them. By taking the child’s feelings into account and letting him/her see that I can be trusted, but I’m not rushing into telling on them or forcing them to tell their parents before they are ready, my hope is that I can preserve the relationship with the child.


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