Hoover Dam – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net


Hoover Dam – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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1. Proofread you final paper using the criteria in this assignment.

2. Submit title page, research paper, works consulted, and four articles.


1. Check the following before submitting the research paper.

2. Double space the body of your paper.

3. Use 12pt type

4. Put proper MLA page numbers in the body of the paper. Start the numbering on the first page of the paper and not on the title page

5. use proper MLA parenthetical documentation and form.

6. eliminate contractions in the writing (don’t, isn’t ).

7. remember to not use “I” or ” you” in the paper.

8. spell check the document.

9. submit the title page 5-7 pages of content, works consulted and four articles from the sources.

10. all sources has to be from state of Arizona.


Savvy Essay Writers