Stage 4 and 5 3pgs minimum – Savvy Essay Writers |


Stage 4 and 5 3pgs minimum – Savvy Essay Writers |

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There are 7 stages to this project 1-3 are completed, Stage 1 was made already where you analyze the Problem “identify the problem”, Stage 2 and 3 is as well. Now Stage 4 & 5 “Action Planning” and “Program or policy Implementation”. Please be very clear when you answer every part no plagiarism because this is YOUR own policy that you’re making, you’re not doing a research of a policy that already exist. It’s your own just continue making the best out of it. We are almost to the end, at the end of stage 6 & 7 you will gather it and put it all together.

Stage 4. “Action Planning”

Identify resources needed.

Plan to acquire or reallocate resource

Specify dates to complete implementation tasks.

Develop mechanisms of self-regulation

Specify a plan to build support.

What resources were needed (what type, how much)?

How were resources acquired?

Were implementations tasks specified and completed on time?

What mechanisms of self-regulation were developed?

How was support for the program or policy built?

Stage 5 “Program or Policy Implementation”

Design instruments to collect monitoring data.

Designate responsibility to collect, store, and analyze date.

Develop information system capacities.

Develop mechanism to provide feedback to stakeholders.

Describe instruments used to monitor implementation. What gaps were detected?

Who was responsible for collecting, storing, and analyzing data?

What information systems were developed? Were they adequate?

What mechanisms were developed to provide feedback to stakeholders?


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