ABC News ran a report on the most recent top 7 CEO disasters – Savvy Essay Writers |


ABC News ran a report on the most recent top 7 CEO disasters – Savvy Essay Writers |

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ABC News ran a report on the most recent top 7 CEO disasters. They named, in no particular order:

Ron Hohnson, J.C. Penney

John Riccitiello, Electronic Arts Inc

Andrew Mason, Groupon

Brian Dunn, Best Buy

Andrea Jung, Avon

Leo Apotheker, HP

Christopher Kubaski, Lockheed Martin

Please analyze one of the above CEO dismissals and answer the following questions:

1. Characterize the dismissal. Why was the CEO fired?

2. Examine the replacement in terms of wither the external or internal labor market. Why did the company choose one over the other?

3. Does it appear that a succession plan was in place?

4. Describe the impact of the CEO dismissal upon the top management team.


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