Edmonia Lewis RESEARCH PAPER/POWERPOINT – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net


Edmonia Lewis RESEARCH PAPER/POWERPOINT – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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This is a research paper (3-5 pages) on the African American Artist/Sculptor Edmonia Lewis. This research paper should include information on what inspired Edmonia in the passion to become an artist. The theme of her works, her native american heritage, her time spent in Rome as an artist as well as her motivation to study in Rome, her struggles to become an recognized African American artist in her time, etc.

Edmonia Lewis was considered to be a trailblazer/pioneer.

The paper should also entail the artists that were sought to have paved the was i.e. “Elizabeth Cathlett, Augusta Savage, Meta Warrick Fuller” , to name a few. As well as the several other artists that studied in Rome during this particular time period, “Robert Duncanson, Edward Banster, Henry Tanner”, and if/how they inspired Lewis.


The power point will serve as the visual presentation to the research paper. It should display Lewis’ most recognized works and other critical information of her life’s story. BE CREATIVE “MAKE THE AUDIENCE REMEMBER EDMONIA LEWIS!”


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