What is the literary relationship between Sherwood Anderson and William Faulkner? – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
What is the literary relationship between Sherwood Anderson and William Faulkner? – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
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In this paper, I will discuss how different modernist authors use different speakers, narrative voices or characters perspectives throughout the novels and how the authors illustrate the development of the characters. For example, both Sherwood Anderson and William Faulkner utilize multiple voices and narrators to convey a single story or message. In Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio he illustrates the perspectives of several different characters but ties them all into one collective story of the development of George Willard throughout the individual stories. Anderson also uses the individual stories to discuss the development or the town of Winesburg itself. Similarly, William Faulkner uses different perspectives from different characters to convey single story. However, he illustrates the development of each of the different characters and how they have mourned Addie’s death and evolved as characters. Faulkner also challenges social norms, regarding death and life itself. Anderson also discusses human beings who pursue various “truths” to so great an extent that they become “grotesque” and challenge social norms. As modernist novelists, Sherwood Andersen and William Faulkner showed similarities in their prose style by both adopting the characteristic of the stream of consciousness by utilizing multiple character perspectives to illustrate the development of the characters.
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