Art curator 2page paper – Savvy Essay Writers |


Art curator 2page paper – Savvy Essay Writers |

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You have studied several religions with contrasting concepts of the sacred. You will revisit an assignment approach from Unit 2, in which you created a one-page proposal about how you would portray the Native American or African concept of the sacred. Based on your growing knowledge of the sacred and world religions, you are now able to broaden the scope of your understanding to multiple concepts of the sacred around the world.


Your proposal will explain to the museum director how you would illustrate the concept of the sacred in a Native American or African religion (choose the one you did not write about in Unit 2), a religion which originated in India (Hinduism or Buddhism), a Chinese religion or Shinto, and a monotheistic religion (Zoroastrianism or Judaism). Explain how you would portray the sacred in each religion and which similarities and differences you would emphasize. Use the concepts of the sacred you have now learned: space, time, ecstasy, anthropomorphism, and tradition. Use examples from your text and other scholarly sources.

You are required to research only in the Capella Library for this assignment.


  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • References: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Page requirements: 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.


Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Describe concepts of the sacred found among indigenous and Asian religions.
Does not describe concepts of the sacred found among indigenous and Asian religions. Describes concepts of the sacred found among indigenous and Asian religions with minimal depth and detail. Describes concepts of the sacred found among indigenous and Asian religions. Describes concepts of the sacred found among indigenous and Asian religions with extraordinary depth and detail.
Compare unique and common features of indigenous and Asian religions.
Does not compare unique and common features of indigenous and Asian religions. Compares unique and common features of indigenous and Asian religions incompletely or incorrectly. Compares unique and common features of indigenous and Asian religions. Compares unique and common features of indigenous and Asian religions with unique insight and examples.
Apply an objective lens in describing religious practices.
Does not define a lens for describing religious practices. Defines an objective lens for describing religious practices, but omits connection to an example. Applies an objective lens in describing religious practices. Applies an objectives lens in describing religious practices; supports with multiple examples.
Analyze the relationship between the sacred and culture in the religions of Asia or West Asia (formerly the Middle East).
Does not describe the relationship of the sacred and culture in the religions of Asia or West Asia (formerly the Middle East). Describes the relationship of the sacred and culture in the religions of Asia or West Asia (formerly the Middle East) but with no analysis or minimum detail. Analyzes the relationship of the sacred and culture in the religions of Asia or West Asia (formerly the Middle East). Analyzes the relationship of the sacred and culture in the religions of Asia or West Asia (formerly the Middle East); provides examples from cultures.
Communicate in a manner that demonstrates objectivity in the study of religion.
Does not communicate in a manner that demonstrates objectivity in the study of religion. Communicates in a manner that is mostly subjective rather than objective in the study of religion. Communicates in a manner that demonstrates objectivity in the study of religion. Communicates in a manner that demonstrates objective scholarship in the study of religion.
Communicate in writing free from errors that detract from the overall message.
Communicates in writing that is neither clear nor free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicates in writing that is vague or includes errors that detract from the overall message. Communicates in writing free from errors that detract from the overall message. Communicates in writing that is clear, well organized, and free of grammatical errors.


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