Site review Criterion #1: Authority – Savvy Essay Writers |
Site review Criterion #1: Authority – Savvy Essay Writers |
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PROJECT TWO: Website Review – 10 points; due 09/03 Instructions Follow the instructions carefully. Students are required to select one web resource from the Internet, describe its contents, and then write an evaluation according to the criteria below.
CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING WEB RESOURCES (Thanks to the UMUC library.) Criterion #1: Authority
Criterion #2: Accuracy
Criterion #3: Objectivity
Criterion #4: Currency
Criterion #5: Coverage
Rubric for Web Resource Evaluation Project The grading scale based upon 10 possible points is: A=10-9; B=8; C=7; D=6; F=5 or below. To earn an A or 10-9 points: Student wrote a clear description of the web resource and answered all five of the evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. Sentences are well constructed. Spelling and grammar are excellent. To earn a B or 8 points: Student wrote a description of the web resource, but left out some details. He/she answered four out of the five evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. For the most part, sentences are well constructed. There are a few spelling and grammatical errors. To earn a C or 7 points: Student wrote a fair description of the web resource, but left out important details. He/she answered three out of the five evaluation criteria completely and succinctly. Sentences are often unclear. Grammar and spelling need improvement. To earn a D or 6 points: Student’s description of the web resource is unclear. He/she answered two out of the five evaluation criteria. There are numerous errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. To earn a F or 5 points or below: Student failed to write a description of the web resource. He/she answered one out of the five evaluation criteria. There are considerable errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling. No late papers will be accepted unless there is an extreme emergency and proper documentation is provided. |
Savvy Essay Writers