ENGLISH 101 Rhetorical Analysis – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
ENGLISH 101 Rhetorical Analysis – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
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ENGLISH 101—Essay #1
Rhetorical Analysis
LENGTH: 750 words
For Essay #1, you will use any single reading in Acting Out Culture, from Chapter 1 and write a rhetorical analysis of that essay utilizing well integrated quotes for support.
All assignments must be saved as Word documents. This is a requirement of the course. If you do not save your file correctly, it will not be accepted and if re-submitted will be considered late.
The use of first person (I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.) or second person (you, your, etc.) in this assignment is unacceptable. If you use first person, you will be required to revise and re-submit the assignment. Additionally, you must master MLA format for this course including but not limited to the header, heading, title, Times New Roman 12 pt font, spacing, works cited, etc. If you use first person or do not use MLA format, you will be required to revise and resubmit the assignment, and your assignment will be counted as late.
You must use quotes from the text as support in the body paragraphs (you should have no less than 10% and no more than 15% quotes for support. Integrate your quotes into your sentences–this is a college level expectation.
Any of the selections for a chapter 1 in Acting Out Culture.
Everything’s an Argument:
Chapters 1-6, 17, 20-22
Little Seagull Handbook:
Write; W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, W-5, W-7, W-8, W-14
Research; R-4
Each of the selected readings from chapter 1 in Acting Out Culture has an introduction explaining the purpose of the choices and the positions of the authors. You should read the introduction and review the questions at the end of each reading, as well as review the notes from class discussion boards, to understand the issue and to select and essay that will provide support both for your claims and for your counterarguments. Consider Ethos, Pathos, and Logos for this essay.
- Apply the criteria for a rhetorical analysis of a written text: summary, understanding of context, interpretation, and supported conclusions
- Apply conventions of writing for academic discourse, including appropriate voice, person, and diction
- Use correct MLA form for quotations, in-line citations, and citing the source essay
Your paper should use standard MLA manuscript guidelines, which are explained in the Little Seagull Handbook, This assignment must have the following parts:
- Name block (left corner, double-spaced)
- Header with last name and page numbering in the upper right corner
- Centered title of paper
- Double-spaced text throughout, standard margins, a readable font, and indented paragraphs, Times New Roman 12 pt font
Your textbooks discuss various elements of classical, Toulmin, and Rogerian arguments. Here is a sample for a basic structure, which is close to the classical and explains the introduction and conclusion in more detail.
Introduction–Briefly discuss the nature of the controversy. You will have read a variety of views on the problem. Don’t go into detail at this point, but state the main issues. You do not need to be naming authors or works, and you should also hold off quoting until you are writing the body paragraphs. Finish the introduction with your claim, which is an argumentative thesis. This statement will explicitly state your proposed position. You must take a stand. I should clearly be able to tell your position after reading the first paragraph. However, you CANNOT use first or second person.
Explain the Problem—Use the items you read to identify the major contributing factors. Use at least two or three of the sources for explaining the problem.
The Solution—State the main points of your solution, using more supporting items. Try organizing in climactic order, from least to most important.
The Rebuttal—Respond to any differing views, again citing specific quotes, as if you were actually answering your opposition. Therefore, you should be saying why their views are incorrect. Use evidence from any supporting readings. This section should be brief.
Conclusion–Restate your claim and your main supporting points, but not word for word. Use a final vivid example or illustration to enhance your argument. You want to leave the reader with your position in mind. Finish with a final appeal in your favor.
Works Cited—MLA Style, separate page.
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