eligibility worker for a subsidy assistance program – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net


eligibility worker for a subsidy assistance program – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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Consider the following scenario:

You work as an eligibility worker for a subsidy assistance program helping clients who need assistance paying utility bills. Over the years you have noticed a lull in the work atmosphere where workers are becoming less engaging with the clients and seem to lack compassion for the clients and motivation for their work. You become aware of new service model that is being used in the eligibility services population and is showing promising results. The model is supported by evidenced-based practice. This new model offers a stronger connection with the client, with the client’s feeling a higher degree of validation and satisfaction with the services provided. Workers also report a decrease in workplace stress.

Given this information what will you say to your supervisor about this new model? How might you convince the supervisor to either allow you to attend a conference where this new approach is taught or arrange to have the conference brought to the agency? Be specific. Give examples.

APA Style at least one reference 100 words minnimun


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