Tourism and Poverty Reduction Paper – Savvy Essay Writers |


Tourism and Poverty Reduction Paper – Savvy Essay Writers |

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here is the what the professor said :

I will provide you with three pairs of academic political science articles. Each pair contains two articles that address a similar question. Pick one of the pairs. Then, write a paper about the issue that the pair of papers addresses.

  • Your paper should:
    • Summarize and explain the two articles (this part might be about 3-4 pages)
      • State and explain the research question that both papers address (it’s the same for both papers).
      • Explain each paper’s hypothesis.
      • Describe the independent variables and dependent variable for each paper.
      • Describe each paper’s basic findings and conclusion.
    • Explain the different conclusions that the two articles reach (this part might be about 1 page)
    • Evaluate the differences between the two articles by describing a contemporary situation, using at least three news articles (this part might be about 1-2 pages)
  • 5-8 pages, double-spaced, not including references.
  • Cite the two papers and and least three news articles from mainstream news sources (the sources do not need to be U.S.-based). For each news source you use that is at all unfamiliar, include a footnote in which you establish that it is a reputable source.
  • Use complete citations using a conventional format.

Option 1: Do investments in tourism reduce poverty?

  • Croes, Robertico. “The role of tourism in poverty reduction: an empirical assessment.” Tourism Economics 20.2 (2014): 207-226.
  • Kinyondo, Abel, and Riccardo Pelizzo. “Tourism, development and inequality: The case of Tanzania.” Poverty & Public Policy 7.1 (2015): 64-79.

Option 2: Is China affecting development aid?

  • Brazys, Samuel, Johan A. Elkink, and Gina Kelly. “Bad neighbors? How co-located Chinese and World Bank development projects impact local corruption in Tanzania.” The Review of International Organizations 12.2 (2017): 227-253.
  • Findley, Michael G., Helen V. Milner, and Daniel L. Nielson. “The choice among aid donors: The effects of multilateral vs. bilateral aid on recipient behavioral support.” The Review of International Organizations 12.2 (2017): 307-334..

Option 3: How do local institutions matter?

  • Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. “Why is Africa poor?.” Economic history of developing regions 25.1 (2010): 21-50.
  • Do, Quoc-Anh, Kieu-Trang Nguyen, and Anh N. Tran. “One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Authoritarian Regime.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9.4 (2017): 1-29.


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