Historical geography narrative on Indian and European relations btw 1600 and 1800 in North America – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
Historical geography narrative on Indian and European relations btw 1600 and 1800 in North America – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
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Requirements for your Story Map
Attached Files:
- Story Map Project Checklist.docx (13.801 KB)
Successful projects will
- Have a title and clearly explain the theme and narrowed thesis statement
- Contain a minimum of 6 locations. These 6 locations must represent three different regions and three different time periods (1600-1700; 1700-1763, 1763-1800) – for example, you may have 1 location from New England, 3 locations from what is now the Southeastern United States, and 1 location from Canada (or any variation adding up to three different regions) and, in the same fashion, the each era mentioned above has at least one associated location/event.
- Clearly explain “what happened where and why it happened there”
- Consider how geographic location influenced the outcome of events (analyze in your own words in one paragraph)
- Make connections by explaining how the locations mapped are related to each other
- Determine if there are any significant patterns revealed by the mapping of your locations
- Utilize primary source documents – you must utilize a minimum of TWO primary sources
- Utilize academically appropriate secondary sources (for the majority of you this will be materials referenced in the course module, textbook, or linked in the textbook. You may, with great caution, utilize materials we have not assigned in this course, if and only if they are appropriate for college level work.
- Each location must be mapped on its own map
- Each location must have an associated and relevant non-map image
- Be aesthetically pleasing
- Use proper citation. EACH location should have its own citations immediately after the paragraph (not at the end of the Story Map)
To recap: Introduction with thesis statement, each of the 6 locations must be relevant to your narrowed thesis and include a 1-2 paragraph analysis, with proper Turabian/Chicago style footnote citations, a relevant non-map image, and be mapped. The overall project must use 2 primary sources and represent 3 different geographic regions and three different time periods.
Your map will be graded on following the above instructions (having all the requisite elements listed above) in addition to logic and clarity, historical and geographical analysis, accuracy, grammar and mechanics (including citations), and aesthetics.
Your reflective analysis will be graded like any other essay: logic and clarity of argument, required components, accuracy of analysis, grammar and mechanics.
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