Unit 4 essay – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
Unit 4 essay – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
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!!!!I have attached two files to be looked over. The file named Unit 3 essay should be revised!!!!
Higher Education for the Twenty-First Century: Re-designing Student Success
For essay #3, perform a significant revision to last unit’s essay. Revise your work by doing the following:
- Include at least two additional outside perspectives on the future of higher education. (You will discover these outside perspectives by conducting library research, and you will include them via quotation, paraphrase, and/or summary, which we will practice in this unit’s discussion.)
- Argue for specific recommendations about how higher education could be re-designed for the students of the twenty-first century.
As you revise last unit’s essays to meet these new goals, you may also expand, edit, restructure, and delete from your second essay, in order to make a clear, effective argument about how to adjust college education for today’s students. This unit’s essay should not merely be last unit’s with a few new paragraphs tacked on, but should be a re-envisioned essay.
You might begin by designing a working thesis about how higher education needs to change. Then, begin researching what other writers have said already about your ideas. Start with an search on your subject using the Park University McAfee Memorial Library’s Pirate Search feature , but also consider consulting Google Scholar (Links to an external site.). We will spend time this unit discussing and analyzing sources together.
Think about what you would like to teach your readers about how higher education should change. Consider making precise, practical recommendations. Be sure to provide explicit reasoning, and describe the implications of your ideas for today’s college students. Make sure that every paragraph of Essay #3 points your readers toward your particular focus and argument.
Some of you may find it possible to use some material from essay #2, and others will simply use essay #2 as a launching off point. Either way, I will be looking for a revised thesis, enhanced supporting arguments, incorporation of new research, etc. Remember the difference between revision and editing; this is a revision project, not an exercise in editing essay #2. In short, although you will use essay #2 as a basis, essay #3 should be a significant re-envisioning, with a revised thesis and development. Essay #3 should have a new title to reflect this revised content.
Please craft a short description (this can be in bulleted list form if you would like) of the changes and transformations you made in revising essay #2 to create essay #3. Submit this description as either a second file or as a new page (after Works Cited) at the end of your essay #3 file. Failure to submit this required information will result in a letter grade deduction from essay #3.
Guidelines for Essay #3
Length/Due Date: approximately 1,000 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).
Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:
- Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
- Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
- Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.
Research & Documentation: Because you will rely on the work of others to make your argument, this essay must include formal references to not only the assigned readings but also the sources you locate via research. Use your skills of quotation, paraphrase, and summary to incorporate these other writers’ perspectives, and be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style outlined in Easy Writer, such as MLA or APA.
File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.
Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay. See Easy Writer for directions on how to create appropriate entries for works appearing in an anthology and articles archived in a database. (Hint: Look for the terms “anthology” and “database” in the directories for models in Easy Writer.)
Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface, underlining or italics. Quotation marks or underlining are only appropriate if the title borrows words from another source.
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