Describe your honor world and provide an example of when you encountered someone who livedexisted in a different honor world – Savvy Essay Writers |
Describe your honor world and provide an example of when you encountered someone who livedexisted in a different honor world – Savvy Essay Writers |
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1- In The Honor Code, Appiah introduces several definitions of honor. Additionally, he makes reference to the idea of an ‘honor world’ (20). Later he advances the claim that dueling was a class specific practice and that it was possible for the honor act of dueling to be dishonorable if the duel were not with someone of the Aristoracy. Put differently, dueling was an act of honor when done among gentleman. If someone were not a gentlemen, they would not be taken to be of the same honor world and thus the value of the duel was shifted from honor to dishonor. The person of the Aristocracy would be seen as foolish for partaking in the act of dueling with someone outside of the Aristocracy, even when it would be seen as reasonable when done with another member of the Aristocracy.
Describe your honor world and provide an example of when you encountered someone who lived/existed in a different honor world. In what ways did the encounter show that they were from a different honor world? In what ways did the difference in your worlds shape the way you judged each others actions? What, if any, was the role of shame and honor?
2- Midway through the chapter The Honor Code, Appiah (4-48) we learn that Wellington was wrong in his accusation of Winchilsea, and that Wellington was aware of his wrongness even before the duel. Yet, it is made clear that it would not have been enough for Wellington to have apologized. Welchilsea says that Wellington “could not have made any apology sufficiently adequate to the offense consistently with his character as a man of honor without first receiving the Duke’s fire.” 26
This idea presents as being in alignment with Nietzsche’s assertion that displeasure is often taken to be equalized only when the person who has experienced a displeasure is able to induce displeasure in another.
Do you think that this kind of approach is still present in our contemporary society? Put differently, do you think that in our contemporary times, we still have a tendency towards violence as an equalizing force? If not, has something taken the place of violence or the duel? What is that thing? How does it function to uphold honor?
You are writing two posts for eash of the above
- Your posts should specifically address a point(s) being made by the above and it should also advance the conversation. By this I mean your posts should include ideas that have not already been explicitly discussed, offer an alternative way of thinking about something that has already been discussed, or a consideration of the implication of the post.
- Each post should include at least one reference to the primary text The Honor Code, Appiah
- Contributions to class discussions should be supported by references to texts and, if relevant,
- There is no word requirement for your posts, but they should be written in a way that is clear and concise. Remember that it can be hard to read between the lines when you are reading someone’s work, so be as clear and explicit as you can.
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