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​Mix the three replies together – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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Mix the three replies together and make a similar reply in your own words

1.After reading the chapter 8, I get 5 takeaways from chapter 8. The first one is the Basic features of proposals and types of proposals. Basic features are: introduction, description of current situation, description of the project plan, graphics and graphs, qualifications, summary, budget. There are two types of proposals: solicited proposal and unsolicited proposal. The second takeaway is purpose of proposal, and it is that offer new strategies, and promote services,present your ideas and plans for your readers to consider. Almost all projects begin with proposals, so people need to master this important genre to be successful. The third takeaway is how to plan and do research for proposal, and a good way to start planning is to analyze the situation, and it is important to ask five ‘W’ questions: who, why, what, where, when, how, which means that you need to know well about your clients. There are four kinds readers: primary readers, secondary readers, tertiary readers, gatekeepers. There are four kinds of context: physical context, economic context, ethical context, political context. Now, it is the researching part, firstly, do background research. Secondly, ask subject master experts. Thirdly, pay attention to cause and effects. Fourthly, find similar proposal. The last part is collect visuals. The fourth takeaway is how to organize and draft the major proposal. Organize the basic features of proposal together and put them together. It is always difficult to draft the proposal. Therefore, it is important to put in a right order. Over all are the important takeaways I get from this chapter, and I know how to create my own proposal. I will consider these parts when I do my own proposal, and it is my idea to complete the proposal project.

2.I think one of the big takeaways from chapter eight in order for me to write an effective proposal is to remember the six basic features; starting with an introduction, description, graphics, qualifications, a summary, and lastly a budget. Since my issue is on internal conflict I may not add each of those features into my proposal but they are good ideas to keep in mind while I create my project. Another big takeaway I found was the four different types of readers you should expect when making this project, so I can think to myself while making it who this will concern or affect. Since my issue is internal conflict I definitely think that my primary readers are going to be managers or supervisors and the secondary readers would be HR in this situation since they are experts in these situations. Ever since we were kids we have always been told that the introduction is really the most important part of your writing because it sets up the rest of your paper. That’s why I thought the six moves in writing an introduction were very important to keep in mind because sometimes people just get ahead of themselves when they start writing and forget the basics. Knowing who your audience is and how to go about the proposal project is for sure something I’ve learned from chapter eight. To write an effective introduction, to describe the current situation, and to know how to get the overall proposal across to your different readers is going to be the most vital part in doing this project effectively.

3.The first take away I get from this chapter is that it always tells us to plan. I think this is the biggest problem when writing things for our generation. We always write and never plan before and out words don’t come across how we would like them to. I think that planning should be your number one step when writing anything even as little as an email. You should think about what you’re going to say and then plan what order you’re going to write it in.

The second take away from this chapter would have to be adding in the background information. I think that’s a big key in writing anything especially proposals. I think that if you don’t add in the background information your reader won’t know where to go while reading your information. I think that it’s good to give the reader background information so they are on the same page as you while they’re reading your piece.

The third take away I get from this chapter would be “to (blank)”. I think that’s very helpful when writing a purpose statement. I think that this information will help me in the future plan on what I’m going to write. To persuade, or to present is a good way to lead into the information you’re trying to portray.

The fourth take away I get from this chapter would have to be paying attention to cause and effect. I think the cause and effect factor have to correlate with each other instead of just being thrown together. Also, I think order is a big deal when writing because you can’t be talking about something then going back and talking about the thing before it. I think chronological order has a big factor on writing and cause and effect.


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