Discuss the impact industrialization had on American society between the end of the Civil War and th – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net


Discuss the impact industrialization had on American society between the end of the Civil War and th – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net

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Requirements for the Midterm Essay

  • Must be in Rule of Three format with a introduction and strong thesis statement, 3 paragraphs of the body (each with their own thesis statement – one for each of the three key points of your overall thesis), and conclusion. So a minimum of 5 paragraphs.
  • This is a fact based essay, you must provide specific and detailed evidence for your hypotheses.
  • You must utilize a minimum of three primary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay
  • You must utilize a minimum of three secondary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay
  • You may only use materials assigned in this course for your essay (we have vetted all the materials utilized in this course, other materials may not be appropriate or accurate)
  • DO NOT quote secondary sources
  • You may briefly quote a primary source (a phrase or a sentence) before immediately analyzing the relevance of the quote – a quote cannot stand alone as explanation or evidence
  • You must consider change over time in this essay
  • You must consider geography in this essay (where something takes place matters)
  • You must use Turabian citation style in this essay; all citations must be footnote style citations (no parenthetical cites allowed, no endnotes/works cited at the end, you need footnotes). Be sure to review how to properly cite a primary source that may be contained in another work and be sure to use page numbers where possible.
  • 12 pt type, 1 inch margins, double-spaced


Savvy Essay Writers