Digital Media Current Issue – Savvy Essay Writers |


Digital Media Current Issue – Savvy Essay Writers |

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This a preparation for the research, If you get this done very well, I’ll continue on finishing this research with you

“Digital Media Current Issues” Research Project — Preparation (Due: Oct. 11; Worth: 15%)

This assignment is the first part of a larger project about a current issue in the digital media realm, and its aim is two-fold: 1) to review and reflect on three different current issues relating to the impact digital media is having on our world with an intent to select one issue to research and write about in the next part of this project; and 2) to reflect on the effective use of interview questions to open up discussion, to gain different perspectives, and to minimize personal bias.


Step 1: Find three individual segments from CBC’s The Current’s website to review:( that discuss an impact that digital media is having on our world in some way. The segment must feature an interview with live guests, and ideally will be with regular host, Anna Maria Tremonti (but it doesn’t have to be).

NOTE: use either the radio show’s website’s search* function (“digital media”) or search through Google (enter terms “CBC The Current” AND “digital media” or “internet” or “interactivity” or other related term from our course such as “privacy,” “gaming,” etc.) to find appropriate segments.

Step 2: Listen to each segment (or read the full transcript if it’s available), then summarize each one as follows, using approximately 150-200 words:

  • The segment’s title, date, and the permanent link to the segment;
  • Using your own words, include a clear high-level (i.e. general) description of the digital media issue that is featured in the segment and the key points discussed in the segment, with the main different perspectives (i.e. “for or against” “agree or disagree”) explained.

Step 3: Choose one of the segments to analyze in greater detail. This segment features the issuethat you will research further in the next part of the “Digital Media Current Issues Project” assignment. This analysis is split into two steps and is intended to help you identify the various dimensions of your chosen issue that you will research further:


Step 1—Exploration of the Issue:

  1. Describe the digital media issue discussed in the segment.
  2. Introduce each guest, including their full name, credentials, and organizational affiliations, and summarize the main points each one made.
  3. Create a concept map with all of the main concepts relating to the main issue that was discussed in the segment, using shapes, colours, and arrows to show the organization and relationships of each concept.

(Example concept map for “Internet Marketing:”–concept-map-internet-marketing—concept-map.png–diagram-flowchart-example.png)

Step 2—Research Preparation:

  1. List every question the host asked. Then, choose three questions that you think is exemplary (because they are: “open,” “generative,” and “inspire wonder.”) Write a short description that explains specifically why you choose this question, including specific examples from the answers to support your reasons.
  2. Identify three concepts from the map that you are particularly interested in but that were not well-discussed in the segment. Consider the possible ways that these three concepts are interrelated.
  3. Using those three concepts, write three new questions about this topic that are designed to illuminate some of the information regarding this issue that is missing from the discussion on the Current. These questions should attempt to be very open-ended, will inspire someone to wonder, and could generate interesting responses.
  4. Identify one question that will serve as the basis for your research paper (see “Digital Media Current Issues Research Project assignment for more details).

Your assignment will be evaluated on the following criteria (out of 15 marks):

Summary of three “digital media issue” segments — 5 marks, based on how well you’ve: 1) used your own words to describe each segment; 2) captured the depth and breadth of the issue and the main perspectives; and 3) followed the instructions presented here, using proper spelling and grammar.

Analysis of one “digital media issue” segment — 5 marks, based on: 1) how thorough and accurate your description and summary of each guest’s bio and main points; and 2) how detailed and useful your concept map is.

Preparation for researching “digital media issue” further — 5 marks, based on: 1) how thoughtful and descriptive your list of questions and analysis of the best three questions are; and, 2) how “good” your three additional questions are in terms of how well they follow the guidelines, and the effectiveness of the one chosen question in guiding your research.


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