Has the Supreme Court been right about the value of diversity in a university student body – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
Has the Supreme Court been right about the value of diversity in a university student body – Savvy Essay Writers | savvyessaywriters.net
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Please read the attached summary and in your own words (but using proper grammar), in at least 6 pages, analyze and address the following:
Has the Supreme Court been right about the value of diversity in a university student body? Do you think having fellow students of different races, ethnicities, religions, sexual persuasions, and so forth enhances your possibility of receiving a quality education and having a beneficial educational experience? Does having fellow students of different races, ethnicities, religions, sexual persuasions, and so forth cause students, in your opinion, to have a healthier and more productive attitude/view of students and people in general of different cultures and beliefs? Do you think it is beneficial to American society to continue with race-conscious decisions as to who gets admitted to universities and to university graduate programs? If so, provide your argument in favor of the courts continuing to use the “diversity” guideline. Or, if you believe otherwise, please argue your position.
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